We are a network of Adventists and Muslims serving our local communities together under AMFA (Adventist Muslim Friendship Association).
We Adventists (or Seventh-day Adventists) are an “end time” community of faith that believe in the soon return of The Messiah (may His peace be upon us) in glory and majesty, and the need to be prepared and prepare others to receive Him. “(…) when the Son of Man (Jesus) comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Honored Injil, Luke 18:8). The hope of return of Jesus (Isa al Masih sa), give us comfort in our grief and purpose in life. (See 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18).
We worship and love One God. “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (Honored Torah, Deuteronomy 6;4-5)
We also believe that the Sabbath (seventh day) revealed to mankind at creation, and later confirmed to Moses (nabi Musa as) in the 10 Commandments, is a sign of loyalty between us and our Creator (see Tawrat Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 20:8-11). Therefore, in obedience to God’s law, we seek to keep the Sabbath holy (set apart). Every Sabbath we are abstaining from work and instead dedicate day to worship our Creator and serve those in need (charity). Because of this unique practice, at time we are confused with Jews, but we are not, nor do we keep the Sabbath the same way.
Adventists abstain from unclean foods such as pork and alcohol to promote a wise care for our bodies, and a lifestyle of modesty, sexual purity and wholeness. “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a man can commit is outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore, glorify God with your body.… (1 Corinthians 6:18-20)
AMFA exists to create a safe zone in which Adventists and Muslims could grow closer to God in preparation for the soon return of Isa al Masih. We seek to nurture strong and transparent interfaith relations and find creative ways to serve the local community.
Submission through prayer
In prayer/du’a we call for the presence of the living God to take charge of every encounter, challenge, and joint project. In prayer/du’a we also seek divine clarity as to how best to serve our local community. When we pray, we take the focus from ourselves and acknowledge our dependence on God.
Loving Relationships
At AMFA we are committed to nurturing true friendships. We actively seek to dispel lies about our faith that keep us apart; we choose trust over suspicion and transparency regarding who we are and what we believe. Our respective faiths will provide us with principles and guidance to establish relationships bases on love.
Driven by Truth and Mercy
We seek to influence our generation to seek power rooted in the divine love, mercy, and truth. Truth that is grounded in a personal engagement with our sacred scriptures. We will not be overcome by fear but overcome fear with good. When much of the current socio-religious environment is rooted in fear, distrust, and false representations of one another, we believe wholeheartedly that God is raising people of moral courage that will speak truth compassionately, people who will always protect the dignity of one another, even when disagreeing.
Submission expressed in Obedience
We study our sacred scriptures to know our God (swt) and his will. We respond in joyful obedience to his commandments. The sign of our submission is that we do what He (swt) says.
Agents of Reconciliation/ Restoration
Together, we will seek creatively and passionately to explore fresh solutions to community needs; and as much as possible, we will build on the resources already present in the community, and that could result in restoring dignity, identity, and broken relationships.